As for my Spider-Man background, I’ve read the early trades of Ultimate Spider-Man and some mini-series books here and there. The best thing about a book existing in its own universe is limited prior knowledge doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be aware of which Peter Parker girlfriend, Gwen or Mary Jane, you should like best. Gwen is no longer about being a love interest. She is simply the hero.
Spider Gwen is a good example that men can do a wonderful job on female heroes. It’s refreshing to see a woman drawn with a slight figure that is appropriate in both proportions and age. Robbi’s art as always is gorgeous. Jason is bringing a fresh take to this character with original concepts applied to Spider-Man’s rogue gallery. Rico’s coloring is the cherry on top of this sundae of a book. Great job, guys! I can’t wait to swing along with you and Gwen.