SETH’S PICK :: THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #1: Of all the Marvel Now offerings, I’m putting my money on this one (and Hickman’s Avengers) as being the most promising. Writer Jason Aaron produced consistently solid work on Wolverine, Wolverine: Weapon X, and most recently on Wolverine and the X-men, the latter of which maintained its entertainment value throughout the mammoth Avengers vs. X-men storyline. Artist Esad Ribic won over a lot of fans with his work on Uncanny X-force, but he’d been making quality comics long before that. The story focuses on a serial killer of gods, and will cover many different eras past, present and future of Thor and Asgard. In addition to Thor, Jason Aaron fans should remember that the final volume of his excellent crime series Scalped (vol. 10 – Trail’s End) also hits shelves on Wednesday.