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Purchase Advance Passes To HeroesCon
HeroesCon Drink and Draw for Team Cul de Sac and HeroesCon Art Auction
HeroesCon Code of Conduct
Information about Costume and Cosplay at HeroesCon
HeroesCon Press Pass Requirements, Press Releases and Media Tools
Schedule of Programming and Special Events
Hotel & Travel Info For HeroesCon and Charlotte, North Carolina
A Look At HeroesCon's History, Since Its Inception in 1982
HeroesCon :: Frequently Asked Questions
Charlotte Mini-Con :: Charlotte's Original and Longest Running Comic-Book Convention Since 1977

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Hey, when is HeroesCon 2025?
JUNE 20-22, 2025

How long do I have to buy advance tickets to HeroesCon?
You have from now until 3 pm on the Friday of the show to purchase 3-Day Advance tickets. Day-Of tickets can be purchased at the door!

I just ordered advance tickets. Will I get something in the mail?

No. Your passes, including any and all incentive items, will be available for pickup at the Pre-Registration booth at the convention. In order to speed the process along for everybody, we'll open Pre-Registration at 12:00pm the day before the show and close at 8:00pm. Be sure to bring identification with you to pick up your passes, so we can tell you are who you say you are.

Oh, okay. So when will I get my awesome print and whatever other cool stuff you're giving me just for buying my VIP EARLY BIRD 3-DAY PASS ticket?
Are you listening? We just told you: you can pick up your incentive items when you pick up your passes, at the Pre-Registration booth, beginning on the Thursday before the convention. Note that only you can pick up your incentive items. If you're purchasing tickets for multiple persons, make sure you list the name of each person getting a ticket. Otherwise, only the purchaser will be able to pick up those incentive items.

If I've purchased an advance ticket, but for some reason am unable to attend, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, we do not to offer refunds on any ticket purchases. Thanks for understanding.

If I don't pick up my incentive items at Pre-Registration, or for any reason don't attend the show, can I get those items later?
If you miss the show, or for some reason don't pick up your incentives, we can mail them to you, at your cost, for up to 60 days after the show. After that time, we will consider those items forfeited. Note that if you pick your items up and then misplace or damage them, we will not replace them.

Is there any way I can purchase the incentive items aside from buying a VIP EARLY BIRD 3-DAY PASS to the convention?
With the exception of the 2025 HeroesCon T-Shirt, No.
We don't sell them--they're purely giveaway incentives, as a "thank you" for all those people clever enough to buy their VIP tickets in advance.

Where is the Pre-Registration booth located?
Pre-Registration will be located on the College St. concourse of the Charlotte Convention Center. If you enter from Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard (formerly 2nd St.), Pre-Registration will be ahead on your right. If you enter from College St., just walk straight down the concourse to the Hall C escalators and hang a left. Pre-Registration will be just ahead on your left.

Do I really need to wear that wristband all weekend?
VIP EARLY BIRD 3-Day Pass ticket holders will receive a snazzy hanging badge as an advance ticket holder, which identifies you
inside the convention to staff, pro's, and other attendees. will NOT get you into the convention itself: the Convention Center security will be looking for wristbands and wristbands only. So once that thing is on your wrist, DON'T TAKE IT OFF! This will be your entry to the convention all weekend. We cannot be responsible for lost wristbands, nor will we replace them: if you misplace your wristband, you will have to purchase a new one in order to enter the convention hall.

We recommend booking convenient and affordable parking in advance through SpotHero, the nation's leading parking reservations app.

To reserve your parking spot for HeroesCon, visit the Charlotte Convention Center SpotHero Parking Page.


How long do I have to purchase or secure space as an exhibitor at HeroesCon?
We fully expect a sellout this year, so we suggest you buy as soon as possible, especially if you'd like to keep a space in the hall you've had in previous years.

When can I get on the floor of the Convention Center for setup?

Exhibitors, Guests, and Artists Alley will be allowed on the floor for setup at the following times:

Thursday (setup): 11am - 8pm
Friday: 7am - 7.30pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 6.30pm
Sunday: 10.00am - 8pm

How do I get onto the loading dock?
The loading dock entrance is located on E Brooklyn Village Avenue between Brevard and College Streets. You will receive a dock pass at the gate. You must have a dock pass to get onto the loading dock. No exceptions.

Where do I go to check in and get my badges, etc.?
We will post that location here closer to the show itself.

My staff is arriving separately, either before or after I do--can we pick up our badges separately?
For security reasons, only persons listed by name can pick up badges separately. Names must be provided in advance, by the person purchasing the booth. For instance, if only "Joe Smith" is listed on the form, then Joe Smith must pick up all of his badges and then get them to his staff himself, in order for that staff to be allowed on the floor. Or, if "Joe Smith", "Johnny Smith", and "Babs O'Herlihy" are listed, then Joe, Johnny, and good ol' Babs can show up at different times and get their badges, if they so choose.

I need electricity/phone lines/extra tables/other special equipment for my booth. Who do I talk to?
Electricity and phone lines are available through the Charlotte Convention Center, and can be ordered in advance. Please use this PDF to make those arrangements: SMART CITY 2025

Carpet, fixtures, additional tables, and related needs go through the show decorator, Carolina Tradeshow Decorators, which you can reach at 704-366-9970.

I sell bootleg DVD's, bootleg video games, you name it. Is that cool?
Definitely not cool. Selling bootleg versions of anything is illegal, which means you can be arrested on the convention floor and escorted away in front of several thousand onlookers. It's also against our rules: we reserve the right to eject exhibitors for selling unlawful or objectionable material at any time, without refund, at our discretion.

What about adult materials?
We're very proud of our family-friendly reputation. We strongly discourage exhibitors from selling materials of a sexually explicit or obscene nature, and outright forbid sexually explicit materials to be displayed. We realize this is a fairly subjective question, but have the utmost confidence in our ability to accurately judge. It is, after all, our convention. As such, we reserve the right to eject violators, without refund, at our discretion.

When can I get onto the loading dock to load out on Sunday?
The loading dock will open at 6pm, and not a nanosecond before. There will be a line to get onto the dock, so we suggest you take that into consideration when planning your load-out procedure.

Can I bring food or beverages onto the convention floor?
No. The Charlotte Convention Center maintains numerous concession stands around the convention hall--you may purchase food and beverages there, but the Convention Center strictly forbids bringing anything in. If they see you with food or beverages, they will so bust you.


How long do I have to secure space as a guest, or purchase space in Artists Alley?
We highly recommend you secure your space sooner rather than later--we will announce on our blog and newsletter when we are about to sell out to give you time to purchase space. We will post on our Artists Alley page when tables are sold out, as well as on our blog and newsletter.

Where do I go to check-in, get my badges, etc.?

Registration for Guests and Artists Alley (persons purchasing space in Artists Alley) will be at the Pre-Registration booth, on the Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Concourse. See the General Info section at the top right of this page for Pre-Registration hours.

When can I get on the floor of the Convention Center for setup?
Exhibitors, Guests, and Artists Alley will be allowed on the floor for setup at the following times:

Thursday (setup): 12pm - 8pm
Friday: 7am - 7.30pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 6.30pm
Sunday: 10.00am - 8pm

I'm on your Guest List, and I have a guest travelling with me whom I'd like to get in. Can I get a pass for them?
We are happy to welcome, within reason, the spouses/children/significant others/etc. of our Invited Guests. Please arrange for any additional passes ahead of time, as this will greatly speed up the registration process. And of course, we reserve the right to refuse where we feel the request is excessive--of course, we know you'd never take advantage of us so.

I've purchased space in Artists Alley, and I have a guest travelling with me that I'd like to get in. Can I get a pass for them?
If you've purchased a Artists Alley Table, it comes with two passes. Additional seats may be purchased according to the rules listed on our Artists Alley page.

How do I purchase space in Artists Alley?
Forms can be found on our Artists Alley page along with more info about tables. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, you can send an email request to Karla Southern!

I purchased space in Artists Alley, but am not listed on your Guest List. What's the deal?
Our Guest List is a listing of all of our invited guests. Persons purchasing space will be listed separately on our Artists Alley page.

Uh huh. But I'm an "indie" cartoonist or publisher--shouldn't I be listed on the Indie Island page, with one of those cool thumbnails and everything?
Similar to the main Guest List, the Indie Island guest list is made up of our invited guests. While we're not particularly interested in drawing distinctions, from an administrative perspective it's necessary. We look forward to the day when we can invite you, too.

I don't like where my table is. Can I move?
You can imagine how difficult apportioning space in an 280,000 square foot hall among 350+ exhibitors, 800+ creators, and several thousand fans per day can be. Now imagine changing that setup in the middle of everything. There's your answer. If you're purchasing space in Artists Alley, we assign that space preferentially for those purchasing early. The earlier you buy, the closer to the center of the hall you will be.

But that table over there is empty--can't I move there?
No. Sometimes people only set up for certain days of the show, or are arriving late, or whatever. In very limited cases, if there's a last-minute cancellation, we may choose, at our discretion, to move someone into that space if all parties are amenable. This is done only at our discretion: moving without asking permission can potentially lead to ejection without refund.

Can I bring food or beverages onto the convention floor?
No. The Charlotte Convention Center maintains numerous concession stands around the convention hall--you may purchase food and beverages there, but the Convention Center strictly forbids bringing anything in. If they see you with food or beverages, they will so bust you.


Is your Annual Art Auction really as cool as you say? I've been tricked before.
Oh, it's even cooler. Let me put it this way, by the end of the day on Saturday, most of the staff will have been on their feet and chugging hard for two long days: but still, nearly the entire staff shows up for the Art Auction, although we're almost always outbid. We do work at a comic book store, after all.
Anyway, the Art Auction attended by a ton of pro's, if you want to hobnob; and most of the people there are genuinely enthusiastic fans or creators, so the atmosphere is super-fun. And if you're looking for original art, there's plenty to be had, from the relatively affordable, to high-dollar originals and paintings. Nothing says "I had a great time at HeroesCon" like a piece of artwork hanging on your wall.

Wow, that does sound pretty cool. Thanks.
Hey, no sweat.

Do I need to do anything to bid on pieces of art?
In order to bid, you must register and receive a bidding number. More information on registration will be available at the Info Booth during regular convention hours.

I'm an attending guest, and I'd like to donate something to the Auction. What do I need to do?
If you're bringing art for donation with you to HeroesCon, see Michaele Autry, who's usually somewhere near the Auction Art stage in the hall, or you can leave it with a staff member at the Info Booth. You should also see Michaele if you'd like to produce a piece of art on the Auction Art stage, in front of a live audience.
Note that this is reserved for a limited number of guests, as space is very limited.


What is the Quickdraw Contest, anyway?
The Quickdraw Contests are one of our coolest HeroesCon traditions. Entrants are given two pieces of Bristol board, pencils, and twenty minutes to draw whatever they like. When time is up, the pieces are collected and judged by a panel of professional comic creators, with the first and second places in each age group receiving awesome prizes. The three age groups are 10 and under, 11-15, and 16 and up.

Can I register in advance for the Quickdraw Contest?
No. Just show up (15 minutes in advance of the scheduled time wouldn't hurt) at the room designated for that day's Quickdraw, and get ready to draw! There will be a staff member on hand to run things, and they can answer any questions you have at the time.

Can participants keep their art after the contest?
We keep all the winning pieces of art, but non-winning pieces will be made available after judging at the Info Booth. Pieces of art not picked up by the end of the convention will be discarded.

I'm pretty sure I'll win--how do I claim my prizes?
I like your moxie, kid! Winners will be announced approximately 30 minutes after the contest is judged. The prizes can be picked up at the Info Booth. Prizes not picked up by the end of the convention on Sunday will be forfeited.


Hey, I wish there was a convenient source of information that I could carry around with me, containing the names and locations of all the guests and exhibitors, not to mention a complete schedule of events and more. And filled with really sweet, often unpublished, and always incredible art.
Your wish is granted! 95% of the questions we get are answered in our Program Book, which is included in all the grab bags pre-registered attendees receive. It's also available free to anyone who wants one, usually on the tables next to the Hall C escalators, as well as at Pre-Registration and the Info Booth. Help yourself!

Okay, I've looked everywhere, and consulted my Program Book, but I still can't find __________. Where the heck is he/she/they?
Although we hate it, there are always last minute changes and cancellations. If the person or exhibitor you're looking for isn't where they're listed in the Program Book, ask at the Info Booth. They'll have access to up-to-the-minute cancellations, seating changes, etc.

I can't find the people I came here with: can you page them?
No. We will not make personal announcements. We hate making the regular announcements almost as much as you hate hearing them. Nor can you make the announcement yourself. We will make exceptions for what we consider true emergencies, and that is totally at our discretion. Make careful plans with whoever you're coming with as to where to meet if you're separated. We want everyone to have a safe and fun time at the convention, but there's nothing fun about announcements.

Is there a costume contest planned for the convention?
We will NOT be holding a Costume Contest at the Heroes Convention, but we welcome costumes!

What is your weapon policy?
No functional weapons are allowed at HeroesCon


The Charlotte Convention Center prohibits the possession, sale and/or distribution of any item that may be considered a “dangerous weapon” on its premises. “Dangerous Weapons” are defined as any object or device designed or intended to be used to inflict serious injury upon persons or property; including, but not limited to: firearms, knives of any kind or type, razors and razor blades, metallic knuckles, clubs, blackjacks and nightsticks, dynamite cartridges, bombs, grenades, mines and any other type of explosive, as well as loaded canes.

(City Code 1961 § 13-38.1; Ord. No. 545, § 1, 8-11-80)

In compliance with the aforementioned regulations, the following items are no longer permitted for sale, or in the possession of persons, on the premises of the Charlotte Convention Center during the hours of the Heroes Convention:

• Metal Swords (unsharpened or otherwise)
• Knives (unsharpened or otherwise)
• Throwing Stars (unsharpened or otherwise)
• Darts (unsharpened or otherwise)
• Nunchaku, Blackjacks, Nightsticks, and Batons
• Brass Knuckles
• Sais, Kamas, Hatchets, Tomahawks, Axes, Stylized Blades
(ex: Wolverine-style Claws)
• Fireworks (of any kind)
• Air-soft or any projectile-based gun or firearm

Wooden and plastic replica items are permitted by the Charlotte Convention Center, but must be approved and tagged upon entering the premises.

Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following:

  • All costume weapons must be inspected by security.

  • All costume weapons must conform to state and federal law.

  • Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can't be drawn.

  • If you do not want to have your costume weapons inspected or tagged, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume weapons to HeroesCon.

    Can I bring food or beverages onto the convention floor?
    No. The Charlotte Convention Center maintains numerous concession stands around the convention hall--you may purchase food and beverages there, but the Convention Center strictly forbids bringing anything in. If they see you with food or beverages, they will so bust you.

    When will you announce programming for the convention? I want to plan out which panels and special events me and my friends are going to hit.
    Coming soon!


Man, I'm hungry. Is there anywhere good to eat around the convention center?
Here are just a few restaurants we can recommend:
Burgers & hot dogs. Creative menu & a fun atmosphere!
1600 W. Morehead Street | 704.332.0402
Soul and “low country” food just a few blocks from the Convention Center, on College between 5th & 6th Streets.
214 N. College St. | 704.342.4222

Is there an ATM around here?
There's one on the College St. concourse in the Convention Center, but it runs out of money pretty quick.

Is there going to be a special HeroesCon rate at the swank Westin Charlotte again?
Yes, we're waiting to hear what it will be, check the Hotel page!

If the Westin gets filled up, as it always does, will there be HeroesCon rates at other nearby hotels?
Most likely, but of course that's on a case-by-case basis. We try to provide as many options for our attendees as we can, and as special rates become available, we'll list them on our Hotel page.

Where do I park?
There are a number of parking lots and decks in and around uptown Charlotte; the most convenient to the Convention Center is probably the paid parking deck Nascar Fall of Fame located off of Brevard Street.


How do I go about getting press passes for HeroesCon?
Although exceptions may be made for convincing cases, we'd prefer you arrange for press passes in advance. Download your application here, and E-mail your request to Karla Southern here, including your credentials, etc. Your request must be received and/or approved by May 1, 2025 in order for you to receive press credentials.

As a member of the press, can I get into the convention early?
Requests of this nature will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and in most cases only by appointment. If you're looking to schedule an interview with a professional, exhibitor, or staff member, let us know ahead of time, and we may be able to set something up for you. If you'd like to interview convention founder and organizer Shelton Drum, e-mail him directly here.

Is it okay for me to film/interview/otherwise record on the show floor for broadcast?
Yes, but only with the verbal assent or permission of those you are filming/interviewing/otherwise recording. Please respect the wishes of our guests, exhibitors, and attendees in this regard. We would like to receive a copy of any video or audio interviews, as well as photographs. If your content will be purely available online (podcasts, etc.), a link will do.

Don't see your question answered here? We'd love to help--you can e-mail your question here, or give us a call at 704.375.7462!


JUNE 20-22, 2025
Charlotte Convention Center

501 S. College St.
Charlotte, NC 28202



*VIP Pass Quantities Limited to 500!
Includes: ONE HOUR Early Entry, HeroesCon 2025 T-Shirt, VIP 3-Day Badge w/Lanyard, VIP Wristband, Exclusive Print, Collectible & Reusable HeroesCon 2025 Tote Bag & Other Potential Exclusive VIP Surprises!

$75 per person
Includes: 3-Day Badge w/Lanyard, 3-Day Advance Wristband

$35 per person
Includes: Friday ONLY Wristband

$35 per person
Includes: Saturday ONLY Wristband

$30 per person
Includes: Sunday ONLY Wristband

Attendees 16 & Under get in FREE with a paying, attending adult!

FRIDAY - $35 per person
SATURDAY - $35 per person
SUNDAY - $30 per person

Friday, June 20: 11AM-7PM
Saturday, June 21: 10AM-6PM
Sunday, June 22: 11AM-6PM

*VIP EARLY BIRD 3-DAY PASS Holders Are Allowed Onto the Show Floor ONE HOUR Before Regular 3-Day Pass & General Admission Attendees Each Day.


417 Pecan Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28204

Mailing Address:
PO Box 9181
Charlotte, NC 28299-9181

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