HEROESCON :: Jusko, Thomas, Tons More!

May 21, 2010 at 1:21 am By:

Lots of new names today for the HeroesCon 2010 Guest List, let’s jump right in!

First of all, Joe Jusko, as pictured above on his magical wheel-less skateboard, is silver-sailing his way back to HeroesCon this year. Joe’s super duper famous as a cover and pinup painter, notably on books like Silver Surfer, Punisher, Savage Sword of Conan, and 1,000,000 trading cards. You can also see his famous She-Hulk pinup LIVE AND IN PERSON for the rest of the month, as part of the SUPER! The Fine Art Of Comics show still up at 22 here in Charlotte. It’s pretty impressive stuff.

Roy Thomas is no stranger to fans of HeroesCon: the former Marvel Editor-In-Chief, Alter Ego Editor-In-Chief, and writer of comics including Conan, Amazing Spider-Man, and more recently the Marvel Illustrated series of classic adapations will be appearing Saturday only this year!

J.D Arnold is the writer of the new BB Wolf And The Three LP’s from Top Shelf, and a first-time comics writer and HeroesCon guest!

Rich Barrett has been a guest at our Charlotte Minicon, but this will be his very first HeroesCon as a full-on guest. We’ll see how he handles THREE DAYS of promoting his awesome webcomic Nathan Sorry.

Pat Broderick has worked in comics for decades, on titles like Micronauts, Alpha Flight, Firestorm, Captain Atom, Batman, and a ton more! I think this is his first trip back to HeroesCon since 2005 or 2006, so it’s super good to see him again!

Dana Hayward is digital content manager for HarperCollins Children’s Books. And as an independent designer and letterer she’s worked on some of the hottest manga and graphic novels around, including Tsubasa, xxxHolic, Bakugan: Battle Brawlers, the Evo Tournament, and the Terry Brooks Shannara graphic novel, Dark Wraith of Shannara. She’s also one of the people that make the show possible with her tireless help and advice!

Steve Saffel is the U.S. editor for Titan Books, the London-based popular culture publisher. His book The Best of Simon and Kirby is up for an Eisner Award, and he has four big books coming this summer: Jim Lee: Icons, The Art of Drew Struzan, Beetle Bailey 1965, and The Simon and Kirby Superheroes. As a fiction editor, he works on science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other genre novels, and in his spare time he wrote Spider-Man: The Icon. Steve is also an insanely helpful guy at the convention–it’s hard to imagine what we’d do without him and Dana (his wife) (sorry dudes).

Chris Pitzer is an old friend of ours, and a big help around con time believe me. He’s also a hot-snot publisher lately, with works like Afrodisiac (by fellow guest Jim Rugg), The Ancient Book of Sex And Science (by fellow guest Scott Morse), Process Recess and Pulphope (by James Jean and Paul Pope respectively), and his own series of critically acclaimed anthologies, Project: Superior, Romance, etc.! Whew!

Art Director at one of the hottest SFX houses in Hollywood, Blur Studios, Chuck Wojtkiewicz got his start in North Carolina at Artamus Studios where he drew Justice League for DC and then Imperial Guard for Marvel. Great to have him back!


Filed Under: Guest List, HeroesCon, HeroesCon News

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