February 23, 2011 at 8:19 am By:

1) Astonishing X-men #36

Marvel’s line of comics not tied to specific continuities offers up another interesting variation with this week’s Astonishing X-men issue.  This issue is also the first of an arc from the new creative team of Daniel Way, Jason Pearson, and Karl Story.  The fact that they are  helming a story focusing on Monster Island should be well worth a look, as Pearson and Story will undoubtedly do a great job illustrating giant monsters.

2) X-men Legacy #245/New Mutants #22

It’s a two-for-one spotlight selection as parts one and two of the Age of X storyline both see print this week.  Mike Carey writes both chapters of this alternate X-men tale, along with the rest of the chapters.  The X-men Legacy issue features art from recent HeroesCon guest addition Clay Mann, while Steve Kurth handles the art duties on the New Mutants chapter.

3) American Vampire #12

This book hasn’t made an appearance on the Spotlight in recent months, but is still worth another mention.  This week’s issue is a stand alone tale featuring vampire Skinner Sweet in the early ’20’s trying to find a place for himself in a modern world.  In addition to writer Scott Snyder, this issue features art from illustrator Danijel Zezelj, an artist who has worked on some of Vertigo’s best books in recent years, including Scalped, Hellblazer, DMZ, and the original graphic novel Luna Park.

4) Iron Man 2.0 #1

Continuing this week’s trend of new arcs orjumping on points, here’s Marvel’s latest attempt at making War Machine a successful solo act.  Strange then that they instead call it Iron Man 2.0.  The creative team of Nick Spencer and Barry Kitson usher in a new era for Jim Rhodes in this new ongoing series that looks to make the character more relevant in the Marvel universe, and move beyond the massive-firearm-toting persona he’s always had.

5) Detective Comics #874

Here’s a final stand alone issue for your reading pleasure this week.  This issue features art from regular series writer Scott Snyder and is illustrated by the regular artist of the back up stories, Francesco Francavilla, who some of you are familiar with for his current work on the Black Panther: Man Without Fear series.  The story follows Jim Gordon as he revisits an old unsolved case involving ‘The Peter Pan Killer.’  Snyder and Francavilla telling a one off crime story should be really hard to pass up.

> Bonus Picks of the Week: Fantastic Four #588, Muppet Sherlock Holmes TP, Captain America #615, Who is Jake Ellis? #2, Turf #4, and Metalocalypse/Dethklok #3.


Filed Under: DISCUSS, Spotlight on New Releases

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