Looking Ahead: May 2011
Flashpoint #1 – Promoted in the first issue of last year’s Flash relaunch, DC’s big summer event has finally come. From the look of the onslaught of promotion surrounding it, Flashpoint will be an Age of Apocalypse-style alternate timeline story revolving around. . .you guessed it, The Flash. The mystery of what happened and the fun of seeing what’s different in this new reality is the fun of these kinds of stories and writer Geoff Johns has shown a firm hand of constructing solid summer blockbuster yarns. Pg. 75
Batman: Gates of Gotham – Scott Snyder’s Detective Comics started late last year and has quickly become this writer’s favorite DC superhero book. I was very excited to hear that he would also be doing this mini-series about the history of Gotham. Along with him is co-writer Kyle Higgins and the mega-talented Trevor McCarthy. The subject matter is the history of powerful families and how the architecture of a city influences people and takes on a life of its own. I love this kind of stuff! Pg. 83
Rocketeer Adventures – Between the return of Dark Horse Presents and Strange Adventures (also coming out in May) this is proving to be quite a year for anthologies. IDW puts some skin in the game with this anthology based around the beloved Rocketeer. Among the talent in the first issue: Kurt Busiek, Mike Allred, John Cassaday, Michael Kaluta, Mike Mignola, and Jim Silke. Indeed this appears to be a very proper tribute to the late Dave Stevens and his great creation. Pg. 145
Paying For It – Last year brought a string of new work by alt-comics masters Dan Clowes, Chris Ware, and Seth. Chester Brown, a peer among that group, brings up the rear with his newest work, a memoir about his participation in prostitution. The subject matter is surely controversial but Brown is talented enough to skillfully navigate it. Pg. 284
Moon Knight #1 – Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev return to street level superhero comics. My understanding is that the character will be getting a new setting (L.A.) and a twist on his multiple-personality disorder (he takes on the personas of other superheroes.) From the look of it Maleev will be returning to his Daredevil style and there are certainly enough hooks here to make this worth a look. Marvel Pg. 45