SETH’S PICK :: HELLBOY IN HELL #3: The fact is, many times a high profile creator returns to a character they made famous, in spite of publicity, the book somehow doesn’t live up to expectation. Mike Mignola’s return to drawing Hellboy in this series certainly attracted lots of attention, but it has been far from a let down. In fact, it’s arguably as good as anything Mignola’s ever done. You can really see the joy he’s getting out of taking Hellboy in a new direction. It’s not a rehash of where Hellboy has been before, and Mignola is clearly crafting challenging stories and situations that will only further develop the character. It’s also worth mentioning the genius-level coloring of Dave Stewart. He’s long been Mignola’s go-to colorist, but the new setting of Hell has really allowed Stewart to stretch out and use a richer, more varied palette. These are masters of the craft who are not only enjoying the process of making these comics, but are pushing themselves to evolve their work and the characters they continue to define.
Bonus Pick of the Week: I’d be remiss not to mention this week’s debut of our pal Jason Latour as the new writer of Winter Soldier. All of us around here have long known how hard Jason works at comics, and some of us have even heard about what he has in the works for Bucky Barnes. Alongside Nic Klein, who may well be the most suited artist to work on Winter Soldier since Jackson Guice, Latour plans to move Bucky forward in genuinely interesting ways. Ed Brubaker brought Bucky back to relevance, and he’ll always cast a long shadow on whoever else writes the character, but Latour and Klein will distinguish Winter Soldier in ways you’ve never seen before.