STAFF PICKS :: SPREAD #1 :: JULY 09, 2014

July 8, 2014 at 10:30 am By:

staff_picks rico_staff_picksRICO’S PICK :: SPREAD #1: OK, I’ll be honest, I don’t usually like gory and/or scary stuff. I know a lot of you do though and I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this new book by Luther Strode writer Justin Jordan and the very talented art team of Kyle Strahm andĀ Felipe Sobreiro. The short pitch on this book is “Lone WolfĀ and CubĀ in a world eaten by John Carpenterā€™sĀ The Thingā€. Spread looks like it’s going to be insane and you can grab issue #1 at Heroes on Wednesday. I don’t think this one will stay on our shelves for very long.

I do have to mention how much I LOVE the logo Strahm created for this book, it’s gross and gorgeous!



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