Is Peanuts the greatest sustained work of comic art over the past 65 years? That is up for debate, but Charles Schulz 50 year run as sole creator is one of the most popular, endearing and recognizable comics of all time. The question for the Discussion group is why?
This will be the 3rd time we’ve tackled a bona fide comic classic; the other two were Tintin and Bark’s Donald Duck. At first we were going to have a vote as to which strip we would spotlight, but we quickly realized that if we are going to dive into the world of newspaper comic strips, Peanuts is unquestionably the ideal starting point.
As to why we’ve selected Volume 7 1963 – 1964 (Linus is on the cover!); it was the year when Peanuts grew into a phenomenon. Make sure you read the short introduction. It is worth the ten minute investment. But there are many more reasons why Volume 7 is crucial and we will mull that over throughout the afternoon.
So plan to join us on Saturday March 7th at NOON. As usual, we will meet at the store and repair to a local watering hole.
Topics will include:
- The pacing of a daily-as well as the Sunday- strip as opposed to a comic book page
- How reading a serialized strip in large doses changes the peanuts experience.
- Does the reader identify with the characters or react to them.
- Are they children or small adults and does it really matter?
- Preference: The gag a day strips in comparison to Schulz week long story-line
- Can you read the strip without identifying directly with the creator?
- And how-about that daydreaming dog of the round-headed kid.
We have read the notorious and controversial Schulz and Peanuts a Biography by David Michaelis and we plan to introduce a few of the choicest and most polarizing talking-points to see if you agree with the biographers assessment of the man and his art.
As usual, Heroes is offering The Complete Peanuts Volume 7 1963-1964 with the special 10% Discussion Group discount, just remember to mention it to the clerk when you buy it.
We look forward to having Peanuts fans, devotees and perhaps even a detractor or two. You are welcome to join us even if you have not read Volume 7, but experiencing this wonderful tome is recommended. We promise this will be one of the most fascinating afternoons we’ve ever had.
See you on Saturday March 7th at NOON, you BLOCKHEADS.