SETH’S PICK :: LOST CAT HC: I’ll admit that my first cursory assessments of the works of Norwegian cartoonist Jason weren’t favorable. I didn’t initially see the brilliant storytelling behind the deceptively simple artwork. Had I actually sat down to read some of his works, I would’ve seen the greatness sooner. Now I’m happy to say that I’ve read just about everything by this cartoonist, and am always excited when he releases a new book. Jason is widely regarded for his shorter works, so the real selling point of Lost Cat is that it’s a lengthy 160 page story. It has the trappings of a detective story, but will certainly have some of the pathos and characterization that set Jason’s work apart from others. It should also be noted that this book was translated by the late Kim Thompson. Kim did many great things for comics over the course of his life, but his translations of works by Jason are among my favorite of his contributions. Thanks to him, numerous works from talented European cartoonists were introduced to an American audience, and that will resonate among cartoonists in this country for decades to come. If you missed Craig Fischer’s fine remembrance of Kim on the Heroes Blog a few weeks ago, I’d encourage you to check it out HERE.