STAFF PICKS :: NOVA #3 :: APRIL 17, 2013

April 16, 2013 By: Seth Peagler Category: DISCUSS, Staff Picks

:  Like many of us who grew up reading comics, I freely admit that I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the characters I loved when I was a kid.  You might have even heard me in the store extolling the virtues of the nineties comic, New Warriors, which was one of those books I loved.  I say all that to say that even though this new Nova isn’t the same one I grew up with, I knew I’d give it a shot.  What has surprised me about this new book is how much it reminds me of the innocence of old Marvel Comics.  I’ve never been a diehard fan of Jeph Loeb, and while I’m not blown away by everything he’s doing on this series, it seems to me that he achieved exactly what he set out to this time.  It’s all about recapturing that innocent young hero for new readers.  It’s made all the better by the art team of Ed McGuinness and Dexter Vines, who are as reliable as ever.  It’s old school Marvel cosmic characters for a new age, and it’s actually quite fun.



February 14, 2013 By: Justin Crouse Category: DISCUSS, Staff Picks

JUSTIN’S PICK :: NOVA #1 : There was a time when Nova was heir apparent to Spider-Man. Peter Parker had graduated high school and was moving on to more adult concerns, and Marvel positioned Richard Rider to take the premiere teen superhero role. The character never set the world alight, however, and has gone through a few different iterations over the years. Regardless, Nova remains a cult favorite for many Marvelites (myself included), an icon in his own right. Now, super scribe Jeph Loeb teams up with the inimitable Ed McGuinness to breathe new life into the Human Rocket. Join them for the ride, won’t you?


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