May 7, 2013 at 9:51 am By:

SETH’S PICK(s) :: JETPACK AND ROCKET EDITIONS: In perusing the list of the week’s new releases, I couldn’t help but see a theme.  Thus there are three books I’m recommending, all bound by their common thread of including jetpacks and rockets among their subject matter.  First up is Tom Gauld’s latest, You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack.  This is a collection of Gauld’s single page strips from the Guardian, and a fine place to start reading his work.  Whereas in books like Goliath you see Gauld’s fine line work on display, from what I’ve seen of this book, you get an even greater sense of his skill at humor writing.

Secondly, it wouldn’t be a Jetpack and Rocket edition of staff picks if I didn’t mention my favorite, The Rocketeer.  This week wraps up IDW’s latest mini series, Hollywood Horror.  Like the two volumes of Rocketeer Adventures and last year’s Waid/Samnee Cargo of Doom miniseries, this one has plenty to be happy about.  With Roger Langridge and J. Bone at the helm, if this series doesn’t make you want to go re-read Dave Stevens’ classic Rocketeer stories, you may not have a heart.

Finally, though you won’t find it on the New Releases section of our website, I am excited to remind you about a new book by a talented local creator.  Stan Ford’s Jet-pack Jenny and the Factor of 01 just arrived in the store last week, and it’s a new book you should pick up.  Stan’s a longtime member of Sketch Charlotte, and has always impressed me with his skills as an inker and storyteller.  There are also lots of extras in this one, like pinups and process pages.  It’s well worth your time.


Filed Under: DISCUSS, Staff Picks

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