STAFF PICKS :: DAY MEN #1 :: JULY 17, 2013

July 17, 2013 By: Rico Renzi Category: DISCUSS, Staff Picks

staff_picksrico_staff_picksRICO’S PICK :: DAY MEN #1: I’ll be honest and admit that I’ve never read anything by either of the writers credited on Day Men but when artist Brian Stelfreeze draws the insides of a comic I pay attention. Vampires are nocturnal and they need someone to do stuff for them during the day like defend their lives and I dunno, do their banking and run their other errands . I’m positive it’s way more action-y than what I just described, let’s find out together.


>BONUS PICK! If you are a fan of Adam Warren’s Dirty Pair comics  (or Empowered for that matter) you need to check out A+X #10 this month! It features a story written and drawn by Warren starring Scarlet Witch and Domino in a science fiction adventure. The other story by B.Clay Moore and Kris Anka looks great too!





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